Maintaining your Brand Identity During a Pandemic

I never thought this would be a topic I’d be writing about, but, as the months have seemed to float by…it’s one that has become increasingly important. There’s no doubt that the past few months have been difficult for business owners and the one question that I have been getting the most is, “How do I maintain my brand identity during all of this uncertainty?” That’s a great question and one that quite honestly, I’ve had to ask myself over and over again.

As I ponder the answer to this question, I reflect back on my own why and what makes my brand unique. You see, brand identity is something that circumstances cannot take away from you. Let’s dig in deeper:

Get back to the basics—When in doubt, always go back to who you are and why you started your business. When I began my own marketing company, I sat down with my business coach and created my own set of core values. Despite changing times and business plans, those core values always remain the same. I’m committed to them and they are what I founded my company on. During times of uncertainty, like this, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the now and lose sight of the big picture. Sit down and re-visit those core values and you’ll be amazed at the clarity that comes from getting back to the basics.

Keep moving forward—One of the most common reactions to COVID-19 has been that business owners suddenly feel paralyzed. Imagine campaigns and marketing efforts moving along like a well oiled machine and then, a sudden halt. That’s what the experience has been for so many. It’s important to stop and reflect while also re-aligning the sails to continue moving forward. Things may look a bit different, but, continuing to work towards goals and pursuing your vision can be a saving grace, while staying stagnant is a true detriment to your business.

Open communication—Utilizing your communication channels with your existing customers during this time, is essential. While in-person meetings are now more challenging, there are other options to consider. Do you have an extensive customer e-mail list? Using a FREE site like MailChimp is a great resource to stay in communication. How’s your social media presence? More and more people are scrolling Instagram and Facebook to stay up-to-date and connected. Communicate with your customers, let them know you’re still open and see how they are doing. Now is the perfect time to begin blogging to provide meaningful content and information that allows your network to feel cared for and connected. You can keep providing brand value, even during trying times.

Stay connected—If networking was a large part of your sales approach, don’t give up now! Staying connected has proven itself to be incredibly valuable, especially over time. Are you a part of a smaller networking group that meets on a weekly or monthly basis? A lot of these type groups have now switched to meeting via Zoom. Be sure to keep making those meetings a priority—you want your network (and beyond) to know that you are still out there, providing value. Looking to meet new prospects? Many of the local chapters in the Chamber of Commerce are continuing to offer opportunities to connect. Rather than in-person mixers, folks are gathering on web meetings and  business owners are even being asked to present about their business. One could argue that now, there’s more opportunity than ever to talk about your brand! 

Give back—“An effort made for the happiness of others lifts us above ourselves” —Lydia M. Child. Feeling depressed by your own circumstances? Help those who are less fortunate. While this seems like a simple concept, it’s one that’s easily forgotten. I’m not talking about financial donations when I mention this…I simply mean, pursue giving back in whatever capacity that you are able. Whether that looks like volunteering at the local food pantry or giving of your time at an organization of your choice—the mere act of removing yourself from your current situation and helping others automatically uplifts your spirits and leaves you with a renewed sense of purpose!

Plan for the future—Preparation is an essential part of future success. As business owners, it’s important to plan ahead. This often takes time, research and resources, however, the payoff is worth it. One simple way to remain committed to planning for your future success, is by setting aside 1-2 hours per week to spend working on your business’ long-term goals—this may look like updating your website, writing an e-mail blast or staying abreast on the latest trends in the industry. Planning for the future makes the here and now, even more meaningful.

I hope that these tips have encouraged you to keep pursuing what you love with all of your heart and soul because you deserve to continue what you’ve started—regardless of what’s happening in the world around us!


My Daily “Toolkit” Essentials


The question that changed everything: “What’s holding you back?”